You should forgive humans, but never firms

We all know that Nestlé does unethical things: from lying to mothers in third world countries that their own breastmilk would be bad and therefore they should buy Nestlés milk-powder (and therewith damaging infant’s health for their short financial gain),
up to working hard on privatising Water, which could cause future wars similar to the ones about oil now and also enslaves humankind away from nature one more step.

So you can’t trust them – just don’t trust them at all.
I made the mistake and fell for one of their “winning games” where you get numbers in each package of their KitKats and have to bring them to the Internet.

I bought such a package and inside was no print of any winning number and when telling them they simply did not reply – until I asked them again and again and again to please respond. They then asked me to send them the wrapper and me being naive did it – therewith giving up my proof of non-delivery of their promise.

They then told me that there was a number inside (amazing how they blatantly lie to ones face), and gave me a “winning number” which in the end turned out as a advertising offer only designed to join some next scheme.

I was naive – hoping in the good of mankind – but I learned: If a firm is evil than it is evil and will stay evil, so for the future – forgive people, because we all make mistakes and change, but never trust any firm again which you had bad experiences with – the fish rots from the head down and the spirit of a firm is reflected in each action – also in its workers, because if they would care about ethics they wouldn’t have worked there in the first place.

Just like politicians, firms count on the sheeple forgetting unpleasant experiences after two years – don’t be such a controllable “useful idiot”. Keep alert and vote with your feed by boycotting them!

Amazon smiles by pretending to be good

The marketing department of Amazon fooled us in a clever way by passing from every $ or € we give them 0.005 tiny cent to some non-profit organization.

Why they are laughing:

  1.  Amazon can deduct everything as donations – not the ones who did spend the money.
  2. Money is only donated if the “….” link is used, rendering all (affiliation) Amazon-links one stumbles upon coincidentally obsolete, because no one will purposely add the “smile.” to their link.
  3. Amazon cleverly made us buy from them by insinuating that we would “do good” by buying through them, whilst we actually support one of the most aggressive seller on this planet who killed many local bookstores and smaller internet-businesses.
  4. They suggest 5 non-profit organizations when in fact thousands are available by doing a simple text search below. Why? Because then they can bundle their donations easier and emotional children’s causes are given preference before tackling real issues such as planned obsolescence – something they themselves contribute to by promoting such products.

So what can you do about it?
Don’t reward someone who fools you into with marketing sales tricks and buy as little as possible from such companies.
Instead put your money where your heart is (like going more to fairtrade shops, gettting environmentally sound electricity or avoiding “evil” companies … for example)